How can I generate more insurance leads?

We can help you get better quality leads by implementing lead, review, and referrals funnels. You can choose our DYI model or you can outsource your marketing task to us and we can help you build referrals groups, set up lead funnels, manage your website, generate reviews or call your past clients for reactivation.

#1 marketing challange of Insurance Agents
is to get in front of more people

Are you stuck working with less than 100 leads per month? Is it too expensive to buy "recycled" leads from lead generation companies?

A good agency can easily spend $8K to $12K per month and waste hundread of hours chasing leads who have no interest of buying. Ouch... That hurts... What if there was a better way?

Instead of throwing up your hands or wasting your ad budget, build your own exclusive group of referral partners.

Secret of building a referral group can be found in all time clasic, "How to win friends and influence others?."

"Encourage others to talk about themselves" explained Dale Carnige.

Insurance Agents can use this principle to build a referral group and invite other business owners to talk about their product or service. You can become the local business community connection maker and naturally generate referrals for yourself and others.

Learn How To Become A "Go To" Person In Your Community?

JOIN 10x Office TODAY

Building Better Relationships

#2 Challange is lack of authentic relationships
Do you know you can see up to 30% more sales from referrals if you use a systematic approach and build geniune relationships with other business owners?

Use this class to teach a You can become known as the go-to expert in your community and finally stop chasing clients. Anchor yourself in the minds of thousands of your ideal prospects so that you position yourself to attract people who call you directly.

Is 10xTr For You?

You might have read numerous books and watched hundreads of online videos to help you grow your business but how many of those ideas have you implemented?

Lack of implementation is usually due to lack of motivation, know-how, or cost of software products. We fix all 3 of these problems by giving you FREE lead generation tools and holding weekly meetings to motivate and coach on implementing ideas.


Generating Leads

You want to learn how to generate your own leads and referrals.


Making Progress

You want to make progress and grow your marketing every week.


Free Tools

You want to access FREE lead generation tools.

Franchise Portal Websites

Free Community Website for Lead & Referral Generation

Often times insurance agents find it very hard to promote their services on personal website due to compliance or other ristrictions.

However, what if you operate a FREE community website that reviews other local businesses in your area?

You can use the community website to post video, images, interviews of local business in area. This will create an opportunity to invite these folks to your referrral group and build deeper authentic relationships. 10xTr website also gamifies the lead generation process to help you naturually genearte more leads.

  • Free Community Website
  • Free Landing Pages For Online Ads
  • Send Text, Call, or Email To Your Leads
Build Your Website Now

Your Private Meet Up Group For Business Owners

Franchisors are using you to generate FREE leads. You can do the same by rewarding your own referral partners. 10x Office gives you all the tools to build your referral network.

  • Get Unlimited FREE Franchise Leads

    Can you think of anyone who might be able to give you a referral? A local insurance agent, real estate agent, or maybe an accountant? Reward these professionals with referral fee and give the a FREE portal style website from 10x Office. All they have to do is send their prospects to their unique website and FranReferral does the rest.

  • A Referral Program That Runs Itself

    But wait... Why not generate referrals from leads and contacts you already have? 10x Office allows you to get referrals from your existing database and from each new lead. You can even make residual income by recommending FranReferral to local business for generating their own leads, reviews and referrals.

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Weekly Marketing Master Class

Success = Knowledge + Action

Our membership gives you access to our weekly marketing master class where we review your prior week actions, discuss new marketing stategies and set a plan for the following week. We grow together by learning and implementing on small step every week. Our LIVE online meetings are focused on nothing but sales and marketing.

We discuss all kinds of lead generation ideas but our primary goal is to encourage, coach & give feedback to our members so they can get better every week. Here are some of the most common topics we cover during our meetings.

Auto Insurance Quote

How to build lead funnels for any industry to get more leads?

Home Insurance Quote

How to build various kinds of groups for referral generation?

Commercial Insurance Quote

How to collect and promote reviews for earning trust?

Life Insurance Quote

How to rank higher in search engines for more visibility?

Health Insurance Quote

How to build and grow your YouTube Channel?

Facebook Marketing

How to leverage social media to generate leads?

Frequently Asked Questions

10x Office is a software designed to generate leads, reviews, and referrals. We make it super easy for you to build your referral network for generating FREE leads. We give you all the tools and training to become the best Referral Source for Franchisors and other Businesses. You keep all referral income and grow your business at your own pace.

Websites, Landing Pages, Lead funnels, Calling, Texting, Email Marketing, Text Marketing, Ringless Voicemails, Dialer, Consent Recorder, Digital Brochure, Forms, and much more is available directly inside your account.

No! We regularly update our software. Your system will automatically update as we add new franchisors, lead funnels, email templates, etc.

Because 10x Office is on the cloud, when we make an update or add new features, they automatically show up in your account!

A portal website is like a shopping mall of franchisors and business opportunities. Your prospect can easily search based on numerous criterias and their interest is automatically logged in your system.
You will get a FREE portal website for generting leads and referrals.

You can ask for additional FREE websites for your referral partners (aka affiliates). Your partner can link their unique site with their website or share it with specific leads.

10x Office will automatically track all referrals received from your partner websites so you can keep them informed & reward them once the sale is closed.

Asking other businesses to join your referral group is a great way to network and introduce yourself to the local business community.

You can also make additional residual income if your referral partners decide to join 10x Office.

Lead Funnel ask for information in a simple and engaging way (so they don’t get confused or LOST, and leave). You will notice up to 4 times improvement in your conversion rate with our lead funnels.

You can easily generate unique landing pages with high converting lead funnels for capturing leads from your Website, Facebook, or Google PPC.

Yes, you can automatically send one time text, email or ringless voicemail or choose our sequences features to deliver various messages over time.

Yes, you can add appointments to your calendar and automatically sync with your Google, Yahoo or Microsoft account.
You can also give your prospect an option to pick an available slot on your calendar and book intantly.

Yes, 10x Office will give you a clever email marketing tool designed to get more replies.

Yes, you can call and record both incoming and outgoing phone calls (* additional cost applies) to your leads. All calls are automatically logged and you choose to automatically record them.

Yes, FranReferral allows you to send and receive text messages (* additional cost applies).